Burn-Out Man

Oh dear at the end of the day 
There is still some work left over

While others do their children-bedding
We see your office light
Where you're at your computer sitting
To fight the business plight

Well colleague someone needs to care

There is still some work left over
You didn't complete at all
You still must save the world
To prevent final fall
Burn-out man

I can do whatever I want
At the end of the week there is still some work left over

Others guard their children
You don't even have a dog
You wouldn't need a dwelling place
The office is your smart palace

All are gone you need me yet

There is still some work left over
You didn't complete at all
You still must save the world
To prevent final fall
Burn-out man

Last day before vacation there is still some work left over

People pack their suitcases
You're cancelling the flight
The ultra-urgent order
Has a deadline tonight

No one taking responsibility here

There is still some work left over
You didn't complete at all
You still must save the world
To prevent final fall
Burn-out man

Just before pension there is still some work left over

Others do their garden
But you're still in your room
For you need to add value
Because this is your doom

For me it's indeed too much 
But we cannot let go everything down the drain

There is still some work left over
You didn't complete at all
You still must save the world
To prevent final fall
Burn-out man

At the end of life there is still some work left over

Others are free to moulder
But you're not gone I guess
The world won't stop to count on you
As a saviour in distress

Bury me with my laptop I'll have to check my mails

There is still some work left over
You didn't complete at all
You still must save the world
To prevent final fall
Burn-out man

This Song on Amazon or iTunes or for free (but in German) on Jamendo.